I am a proud Sequim High School 2012 graduate, and I voted YES for the school renovation plans.
As co-presidents of a Parent-Teacher Organizations here in Sequim, we see first-hand how special the Sequim School District is.
The Sequim City Council seems to have forgotten what it means to provide leadership for our community. If, by a 6-1 vote, the council can “provide general support” to the school district in “seeking voter approval to fund the acknowledged need for districtwide improvements in its education facilities,” why vote down a resolution supporting the bond issue?
At $154 million, the Sequim school board is asking approval for a huge amount of money, leading toward the billion-dollar state and federal level.
Imagine a Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post Cover and it‘s Sequim High School! People smile, “That’s our school … we can go there for everything!”
I used to think that if the schools just were more thrifty they wouldn’t have to keep coming to the voters and asking for more money.
My expressed opinion of the bond for the school board to renew the schools is: the schools may have considered the buildings themselves, but my major concerns are the schools supplies.
On April 22 voters in the Sequim School District will have the opportunity to approve a bond providing funds to build a new elementary school and to upgrade and remodel schools across the district.
A cursory review of Sequim School District’s buildings reveals failing, outdated and unsafe configurations that are ill-equipped to meet current and future needs.
Having attended the MAC annual membership meeting in January, we have since read news articles and comments concerning the MAC in recent weeks.
Though not a scholar of the state constitution, there is a question I would like to ask. Where, in our state constitution is the power granted to the governor to arbitrarily change the legally enacted laws with which he does not agree? Personally, I cannot believe that the governor has, or had, the authority to abolish the death penalty in the state simply because he doesn’t not agree with it.
What do you think is the best type of investing? Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate? WRONG. The best investment we can make is in our community and particularly our schools. Next month voters in the Sequim School District will be asked to vote for a school bond to fund multiple school construction projects.
I support the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 2014. I grew up on the Olympic Peninsula, and though I do not currently reside in the state, it is a matter of great pride for me to share it with my fiancée on visits home, and ultimately to some day share it with our children.