“From Adventures to Art” is the joint show by Mitch Poling and Sandra Offutt, the December featured artists at Gallery…
Port Angeles Gun Club continues to aim high, target members
“Light Up Your Christmas” with the Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International and friends at the group’s annual Christmas…
The chills and thrills were bordering on too real in the delightfully spooky but smartly executed production by Olympic Theatre…
Local performance troupe Girdle Scouts LLC presents “The Girdle Scouts End of the World Revue” at 7:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Dec….
Women’s Chorale performs pair of holiday shows
Cort and Kia Armstrong, Dungeness musicians steeped in mountain country and blues traditions, invite community members to help them record…
Community Christmas Chorus performs The Sequim Community Christmas Chorus presents its 28th annual Christmas Concert at 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Friday, Nov….
Green Crow and Independent Bible Church gave a major lift Nov. 15 to efforts to restore and preserve Port Angeles’…
Couple travels musical route independently
After 28 seasons, the Sequim Community Christmas Chorus remains the area’s go-to musical source for sharing the Christmas story. …
St. Joseph Catholic Church, 121 E. Maple St., Sequim, hosts a mission by the Rev. Brian Mullady, OP, Monday-Thursday, Nov….
As November winds to a close and winter begins in earnest, take a minute to celebrate Picture Book Month. It…