Land Trust’s fundraiser expected to have similar turnout as last year
The movies selected for review are the choice of the reviewer. Depending on your source for DVDs, they may or…
First Teacher hosts traffic safety program First Teacher hosts its annual Traffic Safety School, beginning at 10 a.m. Sept. 19…
By not sending a letter of notification to two property owners adjacent to a proposed crematory site, Clallam County delayed…
Some felonies could get sent to district
Owner shares plans to introduce Creole culture to community
Sept. 10, 1008
Hurricane Ridge Road shuts down for a month With reconstruction, paving and storm damage repairs progressing on Hurricane Ridge Road,…
Firefighter and paramedic response times east of Sequim will be reduced and property owners could see decreased insurance premiums as…
Meetings are listed based on written notification to The Gazette. Listings can be sent to The Gazette through e-mail at…
A formal ceremony to replace the American flag at the Sequim Masonic Hall, 700 S. Fifth Ave., is set for…