A windstorm swept through Washington state last month, doing damage on both sides of the state. More than a half-million…
Of all the news coming out of Sequim, the best news is we are well into providing initial doses of…
Already robust levels of hiking, camping, boating and every other kind of outdoor recreation in our region has exploded during…
Editor’s note: This column was originally printed in the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s February 2021 Tribal Newsletter, and reprinted here with…
In 1971, Oregon was the first state to enact a “bottle bill.” Fifty years later, Portland, Ore., could become the…
My seventh great grandmother, Phebe Wilde Day, was imprisoned as a suspected witch during the Salem Witch hunt of 1692….
I have officially stopped jumping on new communication band wagons. It’s not that I’m a technophobe or as long in…
The Sequim School District superintendent has left the building. Dr. Robert Clark submitted his resignation following two and a half…
The secret society of Sequim is in session.
The first time I discovered the word eustress (pronounced YOU-stress) was last year while doing research for my November 2020…
With COVID-19 vaccines being widely dispensed, will an end to this pandemic halt “work from home?” Will workers return to…
Liberty and freedom are not free
People swarmed the roads and grass to the Capitol Building in DC, filled the balconies and stormed the entries guarded…