It would be easy to blame the Puget Sound Partnership’s failure to clean up Puget Sound on a lack of…
Matt Shea can’t take a victory lap around the state Capitol quite yet.
It seems that any person, presentation or speech labeled “political” takes on its own set of rules, a set that…
Gov. Jay Inslee badly wants a clean fuels standard in Washington state.
Are we willing to take the steps required to restore civil political discourse? Are we ready to make the hard…
A new year is the perfect time for fresh new beginnings. It provides the opportunity to reassess our life’s journey…
Another election chapter is in the books.
Lawmakers returned to Olympia on Jan. 13 for the 2020 session of the Washington State Legislature. The session is scheduled…
The funny thing about water law is that it can seem as fluid as the medium it’s meant to manage.
In 1869, the Daily Cleveland Herald quoted lawyer John Godfrey Saxe as saying, “Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect…
Consider the evidence for Trump
The grand prize-winning photo in Wildlife magazine was a photo of a Central African gorilla. The photographer Anup Shah captured…
Once again, it’s that time for new resolutions. Here are two of mine that won’t cause political fallout among readers…