The battle in Seattle over the city council’s imposition of a head tax on large companies is generating disparaging labels…
The political machinery of Jay Inslee is in pretty much full operation these days.
With western wildfires growing in size and destroying more homes, farms and businesses, there is a need for new tools…
I wrote this column following the Parkland shooting after thinking about ways to move beyond our inaction to answering, truly…
In my foothills neighborhood we recently lost our sentry tree, a 500-year old Douglas Fir towering above the 100-year old…
The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. Although considered part of the digestive tract, it supports…
Sequim could use updated library
Tim Eyman is so convinced his latest initiative attack on car tabs is a winner, he’s tapping the one source…
Consider a four-way stop
The reward for good work is usually more good work. This is certainly the case for Fire District 3 providing…
In late November, Sequim City Councilor John Miller suffered from severe discomfort in his chest. 9-1-1 was called, and Fire…
Gun rights activists and their legislative allies may have messed up again in their political calculations in Washington.
Most of us try to plan for retirement. Assuming your employer doesn’t boot you out the door mere seconds before…