Passing bond issue is a positive

For the past 10 years, we have volunteered at Helen Haller Elementary, Sequim Middle School and Sequim High School. All structures are out of date, need repair, have safety concerns, and are ineffectual by today’s design standards. The fields/landscaping are unsafe, need upgrade/redesign, are unsightly, and, quite frankly, embarrassing.

For the past 10 years, we have volunteered at Helen Haller Elementary, Sequim Middle School and Sequim High School. All structures are out of date, need repair, have safety concerns, and are ineffectual by today’s design standards. The fields/landscaping are unsafe, need upgrade/redesign, are unsightly, and, quite frankly, embarrassing.

With upcoming improvements to city government/library, the bond renovations appear to go hand-in-hand with the city’s vision for our community: safety, security, modernization, long-term enrollment/population, modern technology, economic growth and improved quality of life.

The proposed tax increase to property owners seems fair when coupled with the long-term strategy of financing the bond and scope of improvements – it’s not too much to ask of our property owners. The argument that classrooms are as good as “when I went to school” doesn’t cut it. These individuals most likely had equipment that was current and state-of-the-art in their time. Our kids are far from that standard and getting by in buildings/equipment that are antiquated.

As builders, we see the facilities our kids struggle in are dangerous, inadequate and unable to meet anticipated growth. The improvements the bond proposes can only come as positives for Sequim’s children and creating jobs and economic growth for Sequim’s citizens, businesses, and government. This bond should be supported and approved by all. These children are important and our future and we, as property/business owners in Sequim, support this bond.

Craig and Lora Armstrong

Allan Armstrong Construction, Inc., Armstrong Home Inspections, Inc., CALA Properties, LLC
