City plaza paver deadline is Friday

Members of the Sequim community still have a chance to be a part of Sequim history and are encouraged to purchase engraved commemorative brick pavers for the Community Plaza portion of the Civic Center by Friday, April 17, to ensure they will be included in the initial installation of the plaza.

Members of the Sequim community still have a chance to be a part of Sequim history and are encouraged to purchase engraved commemorative brick pavers for the Community Plaza portion of the Civic Center by Friday, April 17, to ensure they will be included in the initial installation of the plaza.

The pavers are 7.5 inches by 7.5 inches and can be engraved on three lines with up to 13 characters per line.

Cost is $100 per paver. The pavers will be installed on the plaza floor.

The pavers are intended to recognize families, businesses, community organizations, clubs and churches. To purchase a brick paver, visit the City Administration Office at 226 N. Sequim Ave. between 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Call City Clerk Karen Kuznek-Reese at 681-3428 or e-mail with questions.