The North Pole Reverse 4s volleyball tournament is set for Sunday, Dec. 7, at Port Angeles High School.
Entry fee is $80 per team. Winners of each division (A/AA and B/BB) win T-shirts.
Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and play begins at 8:30 a.m. After pool play, teams may be dropped down or pushed up in divisions for bracket play.
In four-person reverse coed format, teams may use any gender combination. Matches use a women’s height net. Men must attack the ball behind the 10-foot line and may not block women’s attacks but can block men’s attacks. A team that misses a serve can have a reserve one time per match, a so-called “Santa Serve.”
To register, call Christine Grunch Halberg or text at 989-506-2263.