Bob Lynette’s letter in last week’s Sequim Gazette (“Time to curb fossil fuels,” page A-16) perpetuates liberal falsehoods.
Despite never-ending predictions of catastrophic warming, the planet has not warmed for the past 17 years and nine months, a period in which atmospheric carbon dioxide, CO2, rose over 9 percent. Zero computer climate models predicted the current hiatus.
Those models are the electronic equivalent of Magic Eight-Balls and their forecasts are nothing more than horoscopes with numbers.
According to top scientists, the 2013 UN IPCC report on climate change is “pre-meditated murder of science.” They also said it’s “absurd, political, delusional, wrong, dogmatic, and propaganda.”
Ninety-five percent of the annual addition to CO2 is from volcanoes, subsea vents and other natural causes. Atmospheric CO2 is 400 parts per million or 1/25th of 1 percent. Do you really believe that tiny amount can affect Earth’s weather?
Why is it that only Democratic politicians and their followers whip up hysteria over climate change and why do their “fixes” always lead to socialist policies and a redistribution of wealth?
Economy-killing green energy subsidies are designed by delirious politicians, not prudent power engineers, and the main objective is to harvest campaign contributions, not energy.
Wind and solar energy cost two to five times more than plentiful fossil fuels. The average cost of energy in states that mandate renewable energy, like Washington, is 31 percent higher than states without mandates. That hurts us all, but hurts the poor the most.
If you don’t vote or vote Democratic, you are part of the War on Affordable Energy and the poor.
Peter Heisel