Milestone: Sequim students earn academic honors

Lichten graduates with honors at Linfield; Consolivers on dean’s lists; Estes excels at Wake Forest; EWU students make the grade

Lichten graduates with honors at Linfield

Audrey Lichten of Sequim was one of 747 candidates for degrees presented at the Linfield College commencement exercises on May 31. Lichten earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in electronic arts, summa cum laude, carrying a grade-point average of between 3.90-4.00.


EWU students make the grade

Sequim-area students Joshua Graham, Mitchell Koonz, Zachary Langan and Shannon Robbins recently were named to the Dean’s List at Eastern Washington University following spring quarter 2015. To qualify for the list, undergraduate students must earn 12 quality hours and receive a grade-point average of 3.5 or better.


Estes excels at Wake Forest

Hailey Estes from Sequim recently was named to the Spring 2015 Dean’s List at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Students who achieve a 3.4 grade-point average and no grade below a “C” were named to the list.


Consolivers on dean’s lists

Christopher Consoliver and Trevor Consoliver of Sequim are two of 16 students from Washington listed on the 2015 spring semester academic Dean’s and Dean’s Freshman Honor Roll lists at the University of Wyoming.

The honor rolls consist of regularly enrolled undergraduates above freshman standing who earned a 3.4 or better grade-point average and freshmen who have earned a 3.25 or better grade-point average.