Barry Soble of Sequim won gold at the Washington State Senior Olympics, held near Olympia on Saturday, July 27.
He finished first in the free-throw competition’s 65-69 age bracket.
He also won a silver medal in “Hot Shots,” where contestants shoot from five designated spots on the basketball court. Soble credits surgery from podiatrist Dr. Harold Huff, rehab from Sequim Physical Therapy’s Sheila Fontaine and chiropractic treatments from David Gauthun and Tim Card for help in being able to compete.
He also trains at the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center court. Soble will, along with other members of the Fearless Four — Bob Dunda, Bill Holst and Steve Kellmyer — be defending their titles in the Olympic Peninsula Senior Games Aug. 24.
They challenged Sequim High School head coach Greg Glasser and his Sequim Wolves last September to a free-throw contest, but as of this press release had yet to hear from him.
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