Local children and adults are invited to make paper snowflakes from noon-4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 30, on behalf of the surviving children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
When school resumes for Sandy Hook, it will be in a new building. Parents and volunteers are working to ensure that the students are welcomed back by "a winter wonderland" with the entire school decorated with as many unique snowflakes as possible.
Sequim’s snowflake making project will be at 135 Fairway Drive in Sunland (door on left next to parking lot).
Bring left over food goodies, scissors and any craft supplies such as paper, glue, glitter, sequins, etc. Organizers will have a selection of scrapbook paper and adhesive spray.
RSVP to Virginia Johnson at 582-9177 or vsj21@msn.com or Lynn Bender at 360-797-1540 lynn@lynnbender.net if you are interested in attending or helping with this project.
Donations also will be accepted to the Sandy Hook Elementary School PTA.