Milestone: Sheriff’s volunteers recognized by PABA

The Port Angeles Business Association recognized the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office volunteers on Dec. 15 for their hard work and dedication to the Sheriff’s Office and the community.

The Port Angeles Business Association recognized the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office volunteers on Dec. 15 for their hard work and dedication to the Sheriff’s Office and the community.

Sheriff’s volunteers from Search and Rescue, Community Policing, Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), and the Chaplain program were represented by the following volunteers:

• Al and Rosalie Camin (Community Policing Volunteers who work Neighborhood Watch and in Records and have donated thousands of hours over the years)

• George and Carole March (Community Policing Volunteers who donate hundreds of hours to Neighborhood Watch, Project Lifesaver and Community Events)

• Bill Carter (ARES Volunteer who donated over 1,000 hours in 2014 and is coming close to that mark this year volunteering as the head of the Amateur Radio Emergency Services unit working with the Emergency Operation Center)

• Parker Stoops and Nancy Moore (Search and Rescue Volunteers who are the backbone of the SAR unit and donate hundreds of hours each to training and responding to missions)

• Chaplain Tim Richards (Chaplain program leader who has spearheaded CCSO’s Chaplain program and been instrumental in improving the program and recruiting chaplains to serve)

The Sheriff’s Office has 94 active volunteers serving in the following areas: Chaplains, Sheriff’s Advisory Committee, Community Policing, Cold Case Investigators, Emergency Management (IMT, Sierra, CISM, ARES, MYN, and CERT), Search and Rescue, Reserve Deputies and Records. These volunteers have donated over 7,400 hours this year and the value of the time served is $221,780.