The Pirate Zombie Mud Run, hosted by Peninsula College, is Saturday, May 16, at the college’s main campus, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.
The race features a full mud run obstacle race for competitive division (ages 16 and older), a full mud run obstacle race for youth (ages 8-15) and slides and small obstacles for youths ages 7 and younger. Obstacles include mud pits, water tanks, a giant slide, a bubble soap tunnel, walls, tires and more.
Festivities begin at 9 a.m. and the first races begin at 10 a.m.
Cost is $40 for individuals ages 8 and older; $15 for youths ages 7 and younger, and $35 per person for groups of five or more.
Buy tickets at; search for “Pirate Zombie Mud Run.”
For more information, e-mail Jeremiah Johnson at or call 417-6352.