Mayhem ensues in Sequim High School’s production of the comedy “Charley’s Aunt” coming in November. Jack Chesney (Ben Heintz) loves Kitty Verdun (Sarah Isenberger) and Charley (Hunter Cauffman) loves Miss Amy Spettigue (Niki McElhose).
They invite the ladies to meet with them but the girls must have a chaperone. Charley’s wealthy aunt from Brazil, is supposed to show up to do this but cancels her visit at the last minute which sends the boys into confusion.
What do they do now? The problem is solved by drafting their feckless Yale undergrad pal, Lord Fancourt Babberly (Dylan DePrati) into a black satin skirt, bloomers and wig. As “Charley’s aunt,” this charming frump is introduced to the ladies, to Jack’s father (Jared Kneidl) and to Stephen Spettigue (Mikeale Baker), Amy’s guardian.
When the real aunt (Selesha McKibbon) turns up, classic comic confusion ensues! Performances are at 7 p.m. Nov. 7-8 and Nov. 14 and 2 p.m. and Nov. 15. Performances are at Sequim High School auditorium.
Tickets are available at the door and are $8 for adults and $6 for seniors, children and students with an ASB card. For more information, call director Robin Hall at 460-7860.