Leak, storm damage force closure of Genealogical Society Research Center

A recent winter storm left an unfortunate surprise for caretakers of local history.

Melting snow and rain led to a leak at the Clallam County Genealogical Society Research Center at 402 E. Lauridsen Blvd. in Port Angeles that damaged the facility’s ceiling, carpet and a conference table.

The center is temporarily closed for repairs, society board member Deborah Martin said this week.

Members of the Clallam County Genealogical Society caught a bit of break, however, when the leak, found the morning of Feb. 9, didn’t damage any local historical documents or artifacts, CCGS president Virginia Majewski said.

“Fortunately (the leak) happened in center of room,” she said. “All of the books in the shelving and archives in file cabinets were up off the floor and didn’t get wet.”

”(The) conference room, where we have all our Pioneer Families of Clallam County records stored, will require a new ceiling and new carpet for sure,” Martin said.

“We are hoping the walls will dry out in good enough condition to not need replacing.”

While its insurance will cover some of the costs, Martin said, the nonprofit organization has limited resources and these repairs will make a “noticeable dent” in the group’s reserves.

“Any community donations of services or money, to help cover the repairs to this repository of local and national genealogical resources, would be most appreciated,” Martin said.

Donations are tax-deductible, Majewski said.

Donations may be mailed to the center (402 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, WA 98362). For more information, contact the Clallam County Genealogical Society via the group’s website at www.clallamcogs.org.

Normally open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, the research center had been closed because genealogical society members had not been able to get snow in the parking lot plowed and cleared, Majewski said.

The group has owned the building since 2012 and hadn’t known of any issues with leaks or water damage since then, she said.