Clallam County Treasurer Selinda Barkhuis reminds the taxpayers of Clallam County that first-half property taxes for 2017 are due by Monday, May 1.
Because April 30 is on Sunday, the deadline is extended until Monday.
Property tax payments must be postmarked or dropped off at the Clallam County Courthouse by Monday, May 1.
Be aware that mail dropped in a U.S. postal mailbox after the post office pick-up time may result in a postmark of May 2 and will be considered delinquent.
The only drop-off location that remains is the gray drop box specifically designated for property tax payments, and other courthouse business, located within the circular drive at the courthouse at 223 E. Fourth St. If you require a receipt, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and the office will mail one to you.
The Treasurer’s Office can accept most credit and debit cards, either at the Treasurer’s Office counter or online at A convenience fee will be charged by the credit and/or debit card provider.
Payments postmarked or dropped off at the county courthouse after May 1 are delinquent and subject to a 1 percent delinquent interest.
On June 1, an additional 1 percent interest and 3 percent penalty will be charged on the full year tax amount.
To access your property tax information online, select “Property Search” in the left-hand column on the homepage of the county’s website at
If you have any questions regarding your property taxes or assessments, call the Treasurer’s Office at 417-2344.