“The Lillian Carter Story: More than a President’s Mother” stars Sequim resident Carol Swarbrick Dries in a single performance Saturday, Sept. 15.
The 7 p.m. show comes to the Port Angeles High School Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Ave., as one of the Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts’ Season Concerts.
For tickets — $10 for age 14 and younger and $23 general — visit JFFA.org or stop by The Joyful Noise Music Center, 112 W. Washington St., Sequim, or Port Book and News, 104 E. First St., Port Angeles.
Carter was a powerful woman in her own right: a social activist, humanitarian, nurse, Peace Corps volunteer, peanut farmer and fisherman. This one-woman play introduces us to a woman who was undaunted by Southern social mores or peer pressure.
Filled with engaging stories and amusing anecdotes, the play takes the audience through the journey of Miss Lillian’s life, and beyond.
All of the events presented in this play are real: no names have been changed to protect the innocent as there are no “innocents.”
A playwright and actress, Swarbrick Dries will also host a talk-back session with the audience immediately following the performance. For more than 40 years, she has performed on musical theater stages around the world, including four Broadway shows and several musicals at Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theatre.
She and her husband Jim Dries cowrote “The Lillian Carter Story,” and have taken the show to the Harry S. Truman Library in Missouri as well as to venues in California, Florida, Michigan and elsewhere across Washington state.
For more about the play, see LillianCarter.net.