Many Clallam County committees, commissions and boards have positions with terms expiring on Dec. 31.
Clallam County is served by advisory and regulatory committees, commissions and boards that pass on information to the board of county commissioners and county departments to help officials make informed decisions about various local issues.
The county invites citizens interested in public service and participation on one of the following committees to contact the Clallam County Board of County Commissioners Office, visit the commissioners office in the Clallam County Courthouse (223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles). Or, get an application online at
Submit completed applications to: Clallam County Board of County Commissioners Office, Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362-3015.
Applications should be received by the commissioners office by close of business on Oct. 30. For more information, call the commissioners office at 417-2233 or e-mail to
Animal Issues Advisory Committee
Openings: Six (District III-West End, Tribal Government, Veterinarian, At-Large, Friends of Forks Animals, Welfare for Animals Guild)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Quarterly on the third Thursday of the month, 6 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: The committee serves as a liaison between Clallam County and the contractor for animal shelter services and as an objective, fact-finding body when the board, the contractor or the Sheriff’s Office requests the advice of the committee.
Boundary Review Board
Openings: Two (Cities, Special Districts)
Terms: Four years
Meetings: Ad hoc, upon receipt of Notice of Intent
Purpose: The board reviews proposals for boundary changes including annexations, new city incorporations and district mergers by cities, fire districts and water/sewer districts within Clallam County.
Building Code Board of Appeals
Openings: Two (ICC-Certified Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector or Fire Plan Examiner; ICC Certified Building Official, Building Inspector, Plans Examiner)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Ad hoc, upon filing of appeal
Purpose: This board hears and decides appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of the codes adopted in Clallam County Code 21.01, Building and Construction Code.
Carlsborg Community Advisory Council
Openings: Two (Business or real property owner within the Carlsborg Industrial Zone, At Large member who is a real property owner within the UGA boundary)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., Carlsborg
Purpose: This council acts as a liaison between the citizens in the Carlsborg Urban Growth Area and the board of county commissioners for gathering and analyzing information, and making recommendations regarding community and growth management issues.
Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Program Fund Advisory Board
Openings: Five (City Law Enforcement, Designated Hospital Districts, Agency Delivering Subsidized Mental Health Services, Agency Delivering Subsidized Chemical Dependency Services, Services for Homeless)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: The second Tuesday of each month, 3 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This board was established to advise the board of county commissioners on implementation and future funding of revenue received from the 1/10 or 1 percent sales tax.
Clallam Bay/Seiku Community Action Team
Openings: One (At-Large)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: To be determined
Purpose: This team serves to enhance communication with county government to more efficiently facilitate and convey community desires to the Planning Commission.
Clallam Bay/Seiku Sewer Advisory Committee
Openings: Two (both At-Large)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Quarterly, typically at 5:30 p.m., Seiku Community Center or Clallam Bay Fire Hall
Purpose: This committee is responsible for gathering accurate information regarding Clallam Bay-Sekiu sewer operations, rates and billing procedures and making recommendations to the board of county commissioners.
Crescent Community Advisory Council
Openings: Two (both At-Large)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: The first Wednesday of each month, 5 p.m., Joyce Fire Station
This council assists in gathering and analyzing information on growth management issues such as land use and zoning, public utility service delivery, transportation, making recommendations and advancing the orderly growth and development of the area.
Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee
Openings: Five (all At-Large)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: The first Thursday of odd months, 5:30 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse.
Purpose: Committee volunteers plan and make recommendations to the board of county commissioners and the Department of Health and Human Services regarding programs and services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, neurological impairments and their families through service contracts with provider agencies.
Heritage Advisory Board
Openings: Three (District I, District II, District III)
Terms: Four years
Meetings: The first Tuesday of each month, 5 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This board advises the board of county commissioners on various matters related to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the county.
Homelessness Task Force
Openings: Eight (HHS Department, City Government, Peninsula Housing Authority, Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Providers, West End Service Providers, United Way, Homeless or formerly homeless, At-Large)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: First Tuesday of each month, 2:30 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This task force advises the board on various matters and issues related to homelessness in Clallam County.
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Openings: One (Collector of the Tax)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Ad hoc upon receipt of application(s) and prior to new budget cycle, county courthouse
Purpose: Statute requires an advisory committee to review all applications and proposed changes and expenditures from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund and to make recommendations to the board.
Marine Resources Committee
Openings: Three (Conservation/Environmental, District II, Development Community)
Terms: Four years
Meetings: The third Monday of each month, Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This committee advises the board regarding issues related to the marine resources of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its bays, estuaries and inlets within the borders of Clallam County.
North Olympic Library System Board
Openings: One (At-Large)
Terms: Five years
Meetings: The fourth Thursday of each month, 5:30 p.m., Port Angeles Library
Purpose: The North Olympic Library System provides public library services to Clallam County and is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees. Management and control of the library district is vested in the library board, which appoints the library director to administer operations.
Opportunity Fund Board
Openings: One (District I)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Ad hoc, upon receipt of application/proposal
Purpose: The state Legislature authorized rural counties to retain a portion of the sales and use tax to finance public facilities to result in new jobs through business expansion and recruitment.
Funds from the Opportunity Fund Program are used to improve the base economy in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Clallam County through the attraction of businesses with grants and low interest loans for public facilities.
Decisions regarding the use of the funds for public facility projects are made by the Opportunity Fund Board who is responsible for making recommendations to the board who has the final authority to approve or deny an application.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board
Openings: Three (all At-Large)
Terms: Six years
Meetings: The first Tuesday of odd months, 5:30 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This board assists the county in delivery of park and recreation services to its residents and visitors, developing reasonable rules, fees and regulations for the operation of parks and recreational facilities, and reviews park acquisitions and development strategies.
Permit Advisory Board
Openings: Six (Building Trades, Engineer (structural/civil), Economic Development Council, Environmental Consultant, Homebuilders Association, Propane/Woodstove Contractor)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: The third Tuesday of each month, 4 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This board makes recommendations to the board and director of the Department of Community Development for changes in the building code and permitting.
Planning Commission
Openings: Three (District Ia, IIc, IIIb)
Terms: Four Years
Meetings: The first and third Wednesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This commission makes recommendations to the board on land use planning and regulatory issues.
The planning commission also assists the Department of Community Development in carrying out its planning related duties.
Typical duties of the Planning Commission include, but are not limited to, assisting in the update and amendment of the comprehensive plan and land use regulations (e.g. zoning, land division, environmental), reviewing applications for open space tax benefits, assisting in the annual review of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and other matters referred to them by the BOCC.
The Planning Commission also considers public input on matters before them prior to forwarding a recommendation to the board.
Sheriff’s Citizens Advisory Committee
Openings: Six (City of Sequim, Clallam Bay/Sekiu, Forks and unincorporated area, Quileute Tribe, Makah Tribe, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, two At-Large)
Terms: Three years
Meetings: Quarterly, third Thursdays at 6 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: Advisory to the Sheriff’s Office providing an open link of communication between the Sheriff and the community.
Trails Advisory Committee
Openings: Two (Large Private Forest Company, City of Sequim)
Terms: N/A
Meetings: Third Wednesday each month, 1:30 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding non-motorized transportation and trail related issues.
Trust Lands Advisory Committee
Openings: 14 (Districts I, II, III, Port of Port Angeles, Dept. of Natural Resources, junior taxing district familiar with DNR trust lands, Society of American Foresters, Granges, League of Women Voters, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Olympic Forest Coalition, City of Forks, environmental groups)
Terms: Through Dec. 31, 2016
Meetings: Ad hoc, to be determined, Clallam County Courthouse
Purpose: The formation of Trust Lands Advisory Committee was recommended by the Charter Review Commission to assess the management of state forest board lands.