Sequim schools raise meal prices

Sequim Gazette staff

For years, a meal at one of Sequim’s schools was quite a deal.


Perhaps too good of a deal.


Sequim school board directors agreed April 25 to raise prices at all Sequim schools for breakfasts and lunches.


The change in rates does not affect students on free and reduced meal plans — a demographic representing 42 percent of all Sequim students.


It’s a move that makes Sequim’s rates more equitable compared to other school districts across the region, said Sequim schools superintendent Bill Bentley.


“Food prices are one of the things that have really escalated,” he said, noting the district hasn’t bumped up meal rates since he took over as superintendent nearly four years ago.


Breakfast prices rise about 15 cents and lunches about 30 cents across the board, with slightly larger increases for adult meals.


The meal rates are lower than other nearby districts, Bentley said, noting a $1.80 meal in Sequim is $2.50 at North Kitsap.