Learn how to protect one’s home from fire at a free Green Thumb Gardening Tips Education Series lecture on Zoom, set for noon-1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28.
Jordan Van Delden will present “Creating Defensible Space Around the Home Through Firewise Gardening,” looking to provide homeowners with an understanding on how to help protect homes from a wildfire in the event one occurs.
Van Delden, a wildfire and forest health specialist for the Washington Department of Natural Resources, will discuss the three home ignition zones — immediate, intermediate and extended — and will provide information on creating defensible space in each. Van Delden said that creating defensible space is not about cutting down every tree or bush on the property, but rather creating fire breaks and space between the home and vegetation surrounding the property. Examples of fire-resistant plants to increase a home’s survivability and which to grow in each zone will be provided.
To attend by computer, go to extension.wsu.edu/clallam. To listen by phone, call 253-215-8782 (meeting ID 990 0823 2679, passcode 666545). Log in with microphone muted so that attendees cannot hear background noise.
The Green Thumb Garden Tip education series is sponsored by WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners. Presentations via Zoom are available the second and fourth Thursday, February through October (from November through January, one lecture is offered). These classes provide home gardeners with education on research-based sustainable garden practices in Clallam County. For more information, call 360-565-2679.