Letters to the editor — April 14, 2021

Avoiding vaccinations is ‘selfishness’

Greetings, COVID anti-vaxxers. I’m sure that by the time you read this, many of you will have heard of the growing impetus favoring “vaccine passports.” Israel already has a smartphone app called “Green Pass” which can hold a barcode showing you have been vaccinated, from a national database. Many businesses, universities, restaurants and large-crowd venues here are already looking for fast and easy ways to determine admittance. It’s like “no shoes, no shirt, no vaccine, no service.”

New York already has an “Excelsior Pass” and Walmart is offering a similar app.

Experts say this is generally legal. I’m not suggesting governments get involved – but private entities can. So have fun staying at home.

Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been proven to be extremely effective in preventing infections, as well as greatly reducing the risk of severe illness in case you still somehow get it. This is true not only for the original virus, but also for the new, more transmissible and deadly variants, which are driving numbers up once again, along with the relaxing of restrictions.

And adding in anti-maskers, what is it about your individual rights versus contributing to the safety and welfare of your neighbors and community, that makes this so hard to understand, and politicized?

Are you hoping that enough others will do their fair share to achieve the herd immunity numbers we need?

At some point, it becomes simple selfishness. Get the shots. Wear a mask, at least until we really get this under control.

George Marshall


Roundabout idea a waste of funds

In reference to the article “Tribe seeks traffic circle” (Peninsula Daily News, April 7):

Another huge waste of taxpayers money for a roundabout on a busy highway that has only had eight accidents in four years. More than a half million cars, by their count, travel this roadway a month in a 45 mph zone.

The accidents, for the most part, were caused by drivers who violated the right of way or weren’t paying attention, and yet the tribe wants to spend millions of dollars to impede the 45 mph flow of traffic to satisfy some unimaginable correction to a less than attentive set of drivers.

This is a waste of money and poor planning … and about the same could be said for the soon to come roundabout at Sequim-Dungeness Road and Woodcock Road, another 45 mph zone.

Bob Lampert


Mask claims are illogical

I have read numerous posts and have even seen people on street corners in Sequim proclaiming “masks are useless” and “take off your mask we want to see your smile.” I always ask for proof of their claims and they retreat into their conspiracy theory world of baseless claims without any scientific proof!

I even stopped my car one day and asked the “masks are useless” sign carrying guy for the peer-reviewed scientific proof to back up his claim. He yelled back, “Doctors say.” When I pressed him as to which doctors, he offered no specific ones.

It seems these are very the same people who claim God will protect them from the virus, so there is no need for a mask or to get the vaccine.

However, they are the same people who require the right to carry a gun in public.

Now the questing is, if their God will protect them from a deadly virus and no need for mask or vaccine to go out in public, why will their God not protect them and they have to have a gun in public?

Their conspiracy theory “logic” makes absolutely no sense!

Lewis Bennett

Port Angeles