During International Compost Awareness Week, on International Permaculture Day, a free hugelkultur building workshop will be held to share the benefits and how-to of this innovative gardening technique.
This simple, low-tech trick can transform your dirt and woody debris into an active soil web that feeds plants, prevents disease, reduces irrigation and fertilization by harnessing the power of decomposition for an ongoing source of nutrients, warmth and moisture, resulting in easy to manage gardens and excellent growing success.
The workshop will be from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, May 3, in Port Angeles (address provided with registration). Led by Meggan Uecker, WSU Clallam County Extension Waste Reduction coordinator and Clallam County Master Composters, attendees will learn the art and science of this technique through hands on participation in building a home Hugelkultur garden bed. Learn how you can use this easy, low maintenance gardening technique for your own home or garden.
Support comes from a Coordinated Prevention Grant from the Department of Ecology. There is no cost for this workshop. To register, call WSU Clallam County Extension at 417-2279, e-mail muecker@co.clallam.wa.us; or visit http://ext100.wsu.edu/clallam/event/hugelkultur-workshop.