Use of Cline Spit Beach is now open, Clallam County health officials announced last week.
Samples of the water collected on Aug. 19 show the concentration of Enterococcus bacteria has returned to safe levels and is below the Washington State Department of Health swimming beach closure level for Enterococcus.
The closure began on Aug. 14 and health officials advised visitors avoid any water contact with swimming or wading in waters at Cline Spit County Park.
Contact with fecal contaminated waters can result in gastroenteritis, skin rashes, upper respiratory infections and other illnesses, health officials said. Children and the elderly may be more vulnerable to waterborne illnesses.
Andy Brastad, Clallam County Health and Human Services Environmental Health director, this is the first time Cline Spit beach has been closed for health concerns that he knows of.
For more information about the advisory, call 417-2424.