Members of the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club recently celebrated an effort to make 125 quilts for local children.
Club members said their effort is organized through its Community Quilts program, and since last year they’ve partnered to support Project Linus in providing quilts for Sequim Community Aid’s annual Toys for Sequim Kids event.
Kathy Suta, president of Sequim Community Aid, accepted the donation at the Sequim Mason’s Lodge on Oct. 11. She told quilters that 350 children received toys, quilts, clothes and other items through the event in 2022.
This year’s Toys for Sequim Kids event is set for Dec. 12 at Sequim Prairie Grange, with donation sites soon-to-be found in the Sequim area. Suta said items for older children are most wanted.
Organizers anticipate needing 400 quilts this year, and club members said they’ll continue to quilt for the event.
To help the group support residents with utilities, rent/mortgages, and/or toys, mail donations to: Sequim Community Aid, P.O. Box 1591, Sequim, WA 98382.
Checks for Toys for Sequim Kids should state “toys” on the memo line. Call and leave a message at 360-681-3731.
For more about Project Linus, call Phyllis Carey at 360-797-7417, email to or visit