Two meets in and more girls continue to set personal records and find district-qualifying times for the Lady Wolves swim team.
After years of biting down on crime, Sequim’s K-9 officer Chase officially retired this week.
The Dungeness River is set to roam free again, at least for another 2,600 feet.
Utility rate increases and reallocating staff across departments are part of the City of Sequim’s proposed $30 million budget for 2017.
Walks, talks and plenty of great weather were the highlights of the 17th Dungeness River Festival on Sept. 23-24 at the Railroad Bridge Park.
Tickets are sold out for Sequim Celebrity Diced Live, a parody of the TV show “Chopped” where locals compete in a cooking competition at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, in the Sequim Boys & Girls Club, 400 W. Fir St. Organizers said they’ve reached capacity for the event where competitors are given random baskets of food to create an entree, main course and a dessert for judges to determine who wins proceeds from ticket sales, beer and wine sales, and a silent auction for one of four charities. Competing teams include Joe and Tawana Borden playing for Captain Joseph House Foundation, Gary Ash and Earl Wilson for Olympic Theatre Arts, Jim Stoffer and Brandino Gibson for Citizens for Sequim Schools and Rick Larsen and Randy Kellas for Healthy Families for Clallam County. For more information, search for the Facebook page for Sequim Celebrity Diced Live online.
Despite opening their matches for the week with a close loss against rival Port Angeles (3-4), the Wolves boys tennis team rebounded to win their next two and move to 5-3 on the season.
This fall, 66 Sequim students plan to participate in the Sequim Community Orchestra’s strings program.
See more pictures from the North Kitsap game here.
When: 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1.
An effort to restore habitat and improve ecological functions in the 3 Crabs Road area tentatively is set for completion by November.
Dungeness River Festival