“The Christmas Bench” stars Ken Winters as Jeff and Michael Aldrich as Sam, two men waiting for their wives on a mall bench who encounter an array of characters.
Sequim coaches are expecting state berths from ace swimmers
Some of Sequim’s best fajitas and margaritas are coming back. Owners of Las Palomas Mexican Restaurant, 1085 E. Washington St., plan to reopen today, Wednesday, Nov. 4.
Matthew Richards took fifth overall in the 2A boys’ singles and qualified for a state berth on Oct. 30-31 at the Kitsap Tennis & Athletic Center in Bremerton.
Sequim girls bowling team could commute with swimmers to Port Angeles
For the Lady Wolves soccer team, the end of the season was likely to go down to the wire.
Classic comedy opens at Olympic Theatre Arts this Friday for three weeks
For more than 10 years, Owen Blake, aka DJ O.B.1, has been moving and riling up crowds with his unique music mixes.
Area couple plans for business’ grand opening for Nov. 14
Rich Johnson sees new thriller with an all-ages appeal
Rising costs lead organizers to take year off from design
The Sequim girls soccer team (0-9 in the Olympic League, 2-10-1 overall) lost three games last week with two coming in overtime shootouts.
Survey for partnership possibility ends Oct. 24 by phone and online