As a parent, one of your most important goals is to raise children who become independent and self-reliant people. Certainly as babies, your child relies on you.
Family traditions both small or big ones are special. They are the rituals that families hand down from one generation to the next. They promote a feeling of closeness and even strengthen the bonds within the family. They create emotional safety, security and fond memories for all the family.
It isn’t Buffalo, but it is a lot colder and wetter than most parents want to send their child out to play.
Raising children isn’t an easy job. There is a lot of work involved and not a lot of thank-yous to go with it. It can be frustrating to say the same things over and over and still not have your child do what you want her to do. You even can use restrictions or have consequences when things aren’t going the way you want them to go and it still may not work.
Many people think Thanksgiving is on a certain day of the year. They are wrong — especially wrong if they have children.
A long time ago the Greeks talked about who sees beautiful things. Others since then have commented on who sees beauty in what they view.
Life is different than it used to be. There was a time when no one spent time in front of a screen. Now it is tough to find time when people aren’t looking at a screen of some sort. So what difference does it make? It makes a huge difference.
School is well under way. Classes have started, athletics are booming, and homework is coming home with some regularity. The beginning of the school year is something kids look forward to but so do parents.
It can really be difficult when your child is having problems in school whether they are academic or social. This is true no matter what grade your child is in. But what can you do?
It isn’t unusual for parents to have problems getting their little ones to bed and to sleep. On the other hand, when your child becomes a teen, he may sleep well longer than you might choose.
Math is probably more important to students today than it was for last generation. This is particularly true as the United States education system falls further behind other industrialized nations.
Math is probably more important to students today than it was for last generation. This is particularly true as the United States education system falls farther behind other industrialized nations.
It really was. The weather was great. The people were super. The food was good (and free). The location was ideal. The donations were generous. Everyone was friendly. And the activities were everywhere. It really was a beautiful day last Saturday (Aug. 23) for the Back to School Fair.