Sometimes people wonder how much it costs to get a library card. The answer might surprise you. It’s free! And…
Enjoy your summer days with free library programs happening throughout August.
What does aging look like? Chances are that your answer shifts a bit with each trip around the sun. As…
Summer days are on the way, which is great news for readers. North Olympic Library System’s Summer Reading Program offers…
The Sequim Library will be joining in Sequim Irrigation Festival events on the first two weekends in May.
April is National Poetry Month and the North Olympic Library System is offering several opportunities to celebrate — through Poetry…
You will find fun for the whole family this weekend at the Sequim Sunshine Festival. Your library will be there,…
Winter is a good time to clean out the closets and organize the paperwork you’ve been meaning to get to….
That’s a wrap! Welcome 2023 and a fresh start to your reading goals.
‘Tis the season for dwindling daylight. Though sunlit hours have been diminishing since late June, the limited light becomes increasingly…
November is Native American Heritage Month. This month is dedicated to celebrating the cultures, traditions, histories, and contemporary contributions of…
Friends of the Library groups across the country support libraries with their fundraising and advocacy efforts and are recognized during…
September is Library Card Sign-Up month, a time when libraries remind community members that a library card can be the…