Attend free workshops
The Home Depot in Sequim is offering several free workshops later in November. The first is from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, to teach women how to make a wooden stocking hanger.
The second is from 1-2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 22, on how to install tile flooring.
The Home Depot is at 1145 W. Washington St., Sequim.
First Federal receives honor
First Federal has been selected as a recipient of the 2015 Corporations for Communities award, which honors exceptional Washington businesses that make helping the community a priority.
First Federal was nominated for the charitable contributions it provides to its communities. The company also annually allots eight paid hours per employee for community service.
Larry Hueth, chief executive officer and president of First Federal, said, “We are humbled and honored to receive this award recognizing the efforts of First Federal and the First Federal Community Foundation. Financial contributions can make a meaningful impact. Our employees actively look for new and meaningful ways to positively impact the communities we serve.”
Secretary of State Kim Wyman will present First Federal with a National Association of Secretaries of State Medallion Award during a ceremony in her office on Dec. 16.
Fit4Life offers more classes
Fit4Life Studio is offering step/sculpt classes on Saturdays at 8 a.m. with Kari Abbe. The studio also is offering Open Cycle on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8-10 a.m. Come in and use its state of the art Schwinn AC Perform-ance Plus bikes with RPM and heart rate monitor consoles during the winter to get cycle fit.
For more information, stop by Fit4Life Studio at 1245 W. Washington St., call at 360-464-5231 or visit Fees apply.
Yoga teacher joins Via Vita
Via Vita, 128 W. Bell St., Sequim, is expanding with the addition of a new yoga teacher and Reiki master to the wellness center.
Renzo Reyes, RYT200, is a certified yoga instructor from Orange County, Calif. You can join Reyes for his level 1 yoga class from 9-10 a.m. Fridays and restorative yoga with Reiki from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Fridays. He also will be spearheading a new chair yoga class from 2:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Call Via Vita at 683-4989 to schedule an appointment. Fees apply.
Pranic Healing clinics available
Port Angeles Pranic Healing offers a free clinic every first and third Monday of the Month; the next clinic date is from 7-9 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, at The Sons of Norway Hall, 131 W. Fifth St., Port Angeles.
Every third Thursday of the month starting Nov. 19, it has free walk-in clinic 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at The Unity in the Olympics Church, 2917 E. Myrtle St., Port Angeles.
Contact Amber Bellamy 360-912-3373 or see
Free landscaping classes set
New Dungeness Nursery will offer five classes beginning on Tuesdays in December on common problems with homeowners’ yards.
The first class on Dec. 1 will just be the basics — how to prepare the yard to landscape and why.
Nursery owner Doug Cockburn will teach the free classes and they will be based on using the “Northwest Style” of landscaping as the general theme.
Classes are 7-9 p.m. at the Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road.
Call the nursery as there is a limited class size at 681-0132 or e-mail at to register for the classes.