Lipperts’, a family owned and operated restaurant at 134 S. Second Ave. in Sequim, announces that head chef Brian Lippert will be leaving Aug. 31 to further his culinary education. Lippert, 26, plans to earn a bachelor’s degree in culinary business from the Art Institute of California in San Jose, saying he wants to grow in his trade. With Lippert’s departure, the restaurant will discontinue its dinner service in late August.
His parents, Michael and Barbara, purchased the former Jean’s Deli in 2005 and their son joined the business two years ago after finishing his Army tour of duty in Korea. While there, he was named U.S. Armed Forces Junior Chef of the Year for 2008-2009. The entire Lippert family wishes to thank area residents for their support.
Beginning Sept. 1, the restaurant will be open from 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m.