Council afraid of transparency
Why are Mr. (Roger) Fight and the City Council afraid of transparency and individual rights?
I believe in government transparency and protecting individual rights, and am proud of my personal efforts to help achieve that.
Mr. Fight, Chairman of the Clallam County Democratic Party, in his recent letter (“Charter Review Commission choices important,” Letters to the Editor, Sequim Gazette, Oct. 15, page A-12) suggests that the legal use of the initiative process is really an “effort to bully the city.” I call our use of the initiative process exercising our rights as citizens.
The decision was made by the city council to disregard approved legal processes by preventing voters from casting their votes. It is unclear why the council is afraid to hear the will of their constituents.
It is also concerning to see Mr. Fight, who personally disagrees with the propositions in question, voice such blatant disregard for the power of the people protected by the Washington State Constitution and by our local statutes. With his words, he suggested that the 654 voters — who met the legal requirements as signatories and stated that the propositions should be on the November ballot — are voices to be ignored.
Don’t be fooled. Mr. Fight’s scurrilous attempt to bring the Charter Review Commission election into the issue is nothing but a red herring.
Our committee that placed the ads Mr. Fight refers to has not taken any position on the initiatives. He is just trying to inject partisanship into a non-partisan election and throw support toward certain candidates.
Jerry Sinn