Riggs is qualified choice
I have seen several letters in the paper touting the virtues of both candidates for county auditor. Both are said to be good workers, good administrators, honest, kind and all that, which I don’t doubt. Since this is not a partisan race for the office, political opinions do not enter in here.
Therefore, the choice logically should be made on qualifications, training and experience. Shoona Riggs has years of all these working in the Auditor’s office. Yacklin has none. The retiring Auditor has done an excellent job in the office. It runs smoothly without the turmoil some other county departments have experienced.
Auditor (Patty) Rosand has trained Shoona to be able to take the office without creating the upheaval a new unqualified person may create.
With Rosand stepping down, Shoona will be the only one in the office currently qualified to certify an election and that is only one of all the functions of the office she has the knowledge to do herself and train other staff to do.
Yes, Shoona is my daughter-in-law, but I would support her as a candidate even if I had no connection. She is the only logical, qualified choice.
Lon W. Riggs
Port Angeles