Letters to the editor — July 29, 2020

Online a solid option for Sequim students

This has been a difficult year for education. Many students, parents, and teachers, will let you know that the transition to online school during the pandemic wasn’t easy.

As the fall quickly approaches, some are wondering if education will ever be the same again.

I want to assure you that online school can and does work. It’s up to school leaders to provide the proper tools and training to navigate this virtual world.

School might look different this fall, but learning will still happen. I’m a teacher at Insight School of Washington, an online public school. I know firsthand the difficulties of transitioning from the brick-and-mortar classroom to online after making the transition five years ago myself.

The switch was challenging at first, but now I love teaching online and making connections with my students.

Families choose online learning for many reasons – including my own. My daughter is starting first grade this fall at Washington Virtual Academy. After the death of her father and my husband a year ago, she needs a school where she can get a quality education while healing from this emotional trauma.

While online learning doesn’t work for every student, it should be an option for anyone. Let’s make sure we protect school choice.

Kimberly Minard


Intersection safety needs to be addressed

The intersection of Sequim-Dungeness Way and Woodcock Road continues to be among the most dangerous, if not the most dangerous, one in the area. Woodcock Road drivers, approaching from either east or west face daunting challenges due to a combination of rapidly approach vehicles from the north.

A vision-obstructing advertising sign on the northeast corner for east-bound vehicles requires drivers to move forward almost into Sequim-Dungeness Way to see vehicles approaching from the north.

For eastbound drivers, the large trees lining the Sequim-Dungeness Way on the north creates a hazard for vehicles attempting to cross or turn either left or right. Installation of two stop signs creating a four-way stop seems both a logical and inexpensive way to greatly alleviate the danger.

A very expensive roundabout is planned for the future, but until that is accomplished, the extremely dangerous existing situation must be addressed.

Any perceived inconvenience northbound and southbound drivers will experience in having to stop for a few seconds will go a long way toward making the intersection safer for drivers approaching from all directions.

Charles Hynden


Chaos rampant in Dem-controlled cities

Lawlessness in large, heavily Democrat-controlled cities has recently cost many human lives and billions of dollars in damage due to rioting, arson, looting and vicious assaults.

Police were ordered to “stand down” in Seattle as four to six city blocks and a police precinct were taken over by “peaceful protesters.” Two murders and many other vicious and vicious assaults occurred in this police-free zone. Seattle’s mayor publicly stated she doesn’t want charges filed.

Portland experienced 56 consecutive nights of violence on July 22. Chicago is experiencing a large spike in murders and violent crime — even by Chicago standards — with at least 49 shot and seven dead in mid-July (CNN/Google).

Likewise, New York City is experiencing soaring, violent crime. A $1 billion reduction in the police force has been ordered and rioters arrested are “booked,” then released with no bond posted! The anti-crime units have been disbanded!

These mayors are not only openly allowing and encouraging criminal activity, they are unwilling to stop it, even arrogant in demanding no federal law enforcement help! If that isn’t enough nonsense, some are asking for federal taxpayer dollars to repair the damage.

With rampant lawlessness and anarchy, moves to “Defund the Police” are stupid.

This Marxist, criminal activity is reminiscent of arson and bombings of government buildings by radical leftists in the 1960s, and the violence at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968.

Richard Lohrman
