Letters to the Editor — June 19, 2024

Council, community should re-prioritize

After attending June 10 Sequim City Council meeting, the part about sound, I can say prejudice/antisemitism is alive and well here in Sequim. Locals use these meetings to vocalize their opinion via phone.

As far as the city council, it is clear to me they will pass ordinance. That solves little and they really don’t understand basics about sound. The issue is the city council members need to stick to fixing crumbling infrastructure and educate themselves. We have water issues now and they keep issuing building permits … go figure. They’re not helping!

Eric Miller


Editor’s note: Calls for public comment during the June 10 city council meeting had unconfirmed locals giving vague or fake addresses/names. Mayor Brandon Janisse had them cutoff from talking after they stated bigoted and racist remarks. Ongoing inappropriate calls like these have been reported in government meetings across Western Washington. – MD

You can help get rid of scotch broom

Pick bundles and bundles of blooming broom — Scotch Broom, while it is in bloom — before it goes to seed. This will help to deter the spread of this noxious invasive plant, if you are unable to totally remove the plant.

The beautiful yellow flowers make lovely bouquets, though you might want to keep the Scotch Broom flowers outdoors, because some people have allergies to the plant.

Gretha Davis
