Letters to the editor — June 30, 2021

Candidates earn our support

Now that the election season is upon the City of Sequim, there are several candidates running for city council seats that commit, once elected or reelected, to promote good governance principles based on honesty, integrity, accessibility, inclusiveness, transparency, equity, diversity, competence, accountability, using facts and reason, exhibiting ethical behaviors and respecting the rule of law during their term of office.

If you support and want good governance in the City of Sequim, consider supporting these candidates who are committed to good governance:

Rachel Anderson

Kathy Downer

Brandon Janisse

Vicki Lowe

Lowell Rathbun

The Sequim Good Governance League (SGGL) Board has endorsed these candidates. It’s time for good governance to be in the forefront of our local government, it’s time for a change.

Eileen Cummings


Good Governance League

Be safe, get vaccinated

I heard on the TV news that some 90-plus percent of the people dying of COVID these days in the U.S. are not vaccinated. I know a relatively few people have had side effects from being vaccinated but these people are in the vast minority, compared to the hundreds of millions of people already vaccinated. They should ask themselves: which is worse, temporary side effects or hospitalization and/or dying of COVID?

We are not in a perfect world, where all vaccines are 100 percent effective, with no side effects. How does one convince people to have a little common sense in their lives? Everyone who drives a vehicle on our roads takes a much greater risk of being maimed or dying than being vaccinated for COVID.

I suggest that for anyone having not been vaccinated for COVID, should consult with their trusted health care provider or pharmacist.

If you are vaccinated for COVID, you are protecting yourself, your family, your friends and everyone in your community.

Dick Hahn


Glass only, please

On June 20, approximately 11 a.m., I deposited some glass in the recycling bin at the south end of Second Avenue. The bin was nearly full, the western most compartment the only one with space, and it was nearly full.

On the south side of that compartment, right on top, were about five plastic grocery bags. It was obvious that they didn’t contain glass bottles, so I removed the bags. In addition to a small amount of broken glass, the bags contained the following:

• five, 1-liter wine packages (the paper type – not glass)

• a powered Kool-Aid canister (not glass)

Signs on the bin clearly state “Glass Only”; i.e. no plastic bags, boxes, non-glass containers, picture frames (which I’ve seen on previous occasions), etc.

Non-glass trash hinders the recycling operations, thereby costing all of us.

Please use these for glass only! I believe even the bottle caps should be removed and put in your garbage bin.

Loren Howerter
