Letters to the editor — May 19, 2021

Donations a great legacy

Just a word of appreciation stirred by your wonderful sharing of the Busches’ contribution to our environment (“Sequim couple to ‘retire’ tree donation efforts,” Sequim Gazette, May 12, page A-8) … what a wonderful legacy!

Thank you.

Cheryl Walther


Change needed on council

Once again, the Sequim Mayor has made the news all about himself and his poor behavior. The Mayor’s tee shirt shown on the front page of the May 12 Sequim Gazette ends with the words, “If you don’t like that, get the #*#* out.” Sequim recently adopted the slogan “Be Kind”; perhaps the mayor should heed those words.

New council leadership is overdue. The current mayor is woefully failing in his position of representing the city and all of its residents in a positive and constructive manner.

Carol Schaefer


‘Beware of your wokeness’

I saw with much concern a picture of William Armacost in the Gazette along with commentary about a shirt he was wearing while shopping.

It would be nothing more than petty for someone to anonymously submit this photo were it not so reminiscent of citizen spies of another totalitarian regime of the 1930s.

More concerning is the Gazette’s perceived need to publish this stuff. For what? Public shaming? Beware of your wokeness. What goes around comes around.

Tom White


T-shirt message is inappropriate

Disclaimer: I am not a goon. I have no affiliation with local paparazzi, and I hold no hate for Mayor Armacost.

I am, however, perplexed at how the mayor can speak of having healthy debate when he not-so-skillfully minimizes, justifies, and categorizes any criticism of his words and actions.

I believe strongly that it is inappropriate to wear clothing in public that speaks white nationalism as loudly as Mr. Armacost’s T-shirt message does. No matter what he says to try to deflect the criticism of his poor choice, it was clearly inappropriate. His excuses include to: only having worn it for a “short time,” that he has right to wear it to exercise freedom of speech, and that he wore it intentionally to support people struggling with addiction (oh, please!).

Just what kind of message does the mayor believe he is sending to young people? I cannot fathom what I would say to my youngest grandson, if he were to have read the mayor’s T-shirt and asked me, “What does that mean, Grandma?”

Mr. Armacost, as the mayor, you need to always be aware of how you show up. You will be scrutinized. And hopefully, you will be held accountable for your inappropriate behaviors come November.

A mayor should remember to be a mayor on behalf of all of a town’s citizens.

Mr. Armacost, if you don’t have what it takes to be the mayor for all, then perhaps it is you who should vacate.


C.L. Wick


Mayor not a good representative of Sequim

Some months ago, the Peninsula Daily News had an article with quotes from an interview with Mayor Armacost. He said that he believed his personal life, actions and beliefs should be off limits to the public, that his personal life didn’t affect his actions, or decisions, at work.

I wrote a letter saying I disagreed. My take is that a “public servant” should be held accountable for their thoughts, beliefs and actions, that is exactly why public servants take these high profile jobs, so they can represent people. We elect them because of their actions, beliefs and speech. I received a hate mail letter after mine was published, with no return address.

Armacost is not a good representative for Sequim. I believe he needs some civics training about what a mayor should and should not do.

This constant riling-up the public, with his T-shirts and outrageous QAnon comments, is not good for business; even he admits that.

G Demombynes

Port Townsend

Danger lurking in D.C.

Currently our country has two very dangerous existential threats, one foreign and one domestic. I’m talking about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Democrat Party.

Unfortunately, today’s Democrat Party has clearly devolved into a very radical socialist, anti-American and Marxist political movement.

This is not just my opinion, an open letter put out and signed May 12, 2021, by 124 retired generals and admirals warns likewise (flagofficers4america.com).

Below are a few quotes from the letter that expresses their grave concerns for this country:

“Our nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776.”

“Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the will of the people our

Constitutional Republic is lost … HR1 and S1, if passed, would destroy election fairness and allow Democrats to forever remain in power … ending our Representative Republic.”

“Open borders jeopardize national security … sovereign nations must have controlled borders.”

“China is the greatest external threat to America.”

“The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored … under the current administration our country has taken a hard

left turn toward socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government.”

The above is a very small part of the letter, I urge everyone to read the full letter at the above website.

And I urge all Americans to quickly wake-up to the mortal danger of both the CCP and the Democrat Party.

Greg Carroll
