Letters to the Editor — Oct. 16, 2024

Guiding principles, on the ballot

I have one vote — the same as you. I want to know that my vote counts — the same as you, and I just have this one guy’s opinion. I respect your right to vote with your principles, your faith, and your idea of our democracy. Here are my guiding principles and how I translate and express those values into my political choices.

Our democracy has become so divided and fearful due, in a large part, to a former leader who acts petty, vindictive, cruel, trashes American democracy, our Armed Forces, our military leaders and the rule of law. MAGA followers generally favor more guns everywhere, including in churches and schools, more tax cuts for billionaires, elimination of reproductive healthcare for women.

They seem divorced from the truth, the leader shows no ethical boundaries, no moral compass, no understanding of right and wrong, unfit for leadership.

By comparison, it seems to me that Democrats support our American democracy. Democrats are for the people, recognizing our common values, shared stories, using our faith, hard work, intelligence and time to build our society for freedom, social justice, equal opportunity, with respect, truth, hope and benefit for all of us. We deserve a version of America which is great, inclusive, decent and supports all of our fundamental freedoms.

As an American with my one vote, I support the Democrats, I support justice, the common good and the chance to make America good again.

I hope you will join with me and vote Democrat. Thanks for allowing me to share my opinion. Now show me you can vote!

Bill Biery


‘Dangerous’ initiatives

On the November ballot you will face four truly dangerous ballot initiatives. Our future depends on your no vote on all four:

• I-2109 would reduce taxes a few thousand millionaires, and will do nothing for you other than reduce critical childcare, education, and other services.

• I-2117 would undermine our efforts to protect our children’s future by killing Washington state’s Climate Commitment Act. It would allow polluters to spew carbon pollution and would slash critical programs that help working people and our communities.

• I-2124 would strip more than three million workers of their long-term benefits.

• I-2066 would serve only the big fossil fuel companies and gut local control over our energy choices.

A hedge fund millionaire and other corporate attack dogs wrote and funded these initiatives, who designed them to confuse you, and line their own pockets.

These initiatives will hurt the citizens of Clallam County by cutting services, hurting working people, and slash protections for our children and grandchildren.

Don’t be fooled! Protect Washington from these dangerous initiatives with your no vote on these four horrible initiatives.

Paul Pickett


Running from Trump

During a recent trip to LA, I ran across an article in the Los Angeles Times with the subtitle, “Voters on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula have picked 11 straight presidential winners.” In the article, a local gentleman, Ed McQuire, stated that he backed Trump twice but plans to vote for Harris this time around.

“I was a first-class idiot that got brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh,” he continued, calling Trump evil, corrupt, a liar and a convicted felon, and adding, “He’s not a good person.”

Many Republicans agree that Trump is not a good person, but in spite of that, still intend to vote for him. Being a good person is not a prerequisite to being a strong leader, but when prominent Republicans publicly use descriptors like “dangerous” and “unfit,” one should think twice.

More than 700 bipartisan members of National Security Leaders of America, composed of retired generals, admirals, national security leaders and others, signed a letter stating that Trump is “unfit” and is a threat to the country’s democratic system. (Seattle Times)

Additionally, 91 individuals who served in the Trump administration, including his National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and his Vice President, Mike Pence, are speaking out against a second Trump term. (msn.com)

As former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney reminds us, Trump does not care about you and Americas commitment to the Constitution.

“Above all else, I know that the most conservative of conservative values is fidelity to our Constitution,” Cheney said. “I have never voted for a Democrat, but this year, I am proudly casting my vote for Kamala Harris.”

Leslie Saxon West
