More thoughts on risks of falling
I would like to offer readers further insights about the topic “Wellness With Age: Reducing the Risk of Falling” (columnist Crystal Linn, Sequim Gazette, Aug. 28).
As a posture therapist, I help people become stronger and more stable on their feet. I co-own Northwest Fitness & Wellness Center with Kevin Pedrey — a skilled therapist and trainer who also helps people get out of pain and safely moving again. We offer classes and private therapy to help people reduce or eliminate their pain, gain strength and mobility, improve their balance, and enjoy healthy, active lives. Our colleague, Abby Carl, offers trauma-informed classes and private therapy sessions that address emotional issues that interfere with a person’s ability to enjoy life.
One of the most important changes that people can take to improve their physical, mental and emotional health – and reduce their risk of falling – is to move more. All systems of the body benefit from movement.
If someone is at risk of falling, they can move more by doing a variety of movements lying down or sitting in a sturdy chair. Isometrically targeting muscles to work as they are meant to, without stressing joints, can help people gain strength and increase their confidence, and then they can begin to move even more on their feet.
With skilled guidance, seniors can lift weights, use resistance bands or perform a host of body weight exercises or movements — every day.
Doing so provides many benefits, including a wonderful feeling of connection and camaraderie with others.
Grace Lambert
Daily exercise safe, smart at any age
If you want to have quality of life focus on a healthy diet of “moving”:
1) Move aerobically in great posture and concentrate on balance 20-30 minutes per day
2) Do strengthening exercise for your core and all four limbs (Hint: try using your own body weight plus limbs as your resistance; always “safe” and easy in your own home)
3) Do gentle effective stretches in am and pm to protect your joints and to sleep better
There are many excellent classes, clinics and teachers to help you learn what to do. You, however, are the one who can build a good health bank account and have more joy in your life! Exercise is fun!
Barb Paschal
Retired physical therapist