Well, I see the Koch brothers-inspired attacks on the working class have reached the grassroots level with the submission of two propositions to the Sequim City Council.
Proposition 1 would require the city to negotiate in public with employee unions. Why limit it to employee unions? Why not negotiate all contracts with all employees in public, department heads, engineers and other administrators? That should go over like a lead balloon.
Proposition 2 is just another union- busting “Right To Work” law rather vaguely worded.
The right title for these laws is, “The Right To Work For Less” laws. Supporters of these laws refer to the proud and independent worker and the dignity of labor. How proud and dignified is the worker who sees his children go off to school with an empty belly and tattered clothes? The worker who can’t pay the house payment or utility bills at the end of the month?
The right to organize, contract and negotiate is considered basic for business but would be denied to workers by those very same business people. Ask someone who has worked for a while, what his chances are, when wronged at work, at receiving justice from his employer in a non-union environment. Slim to none.
What are the chances of a lone worker negotiating a fair wage with an employer when acting alone? Slim to none.
Unions put a worker at an even footing with his/her employer. This is terrifying to many employers as they see their bottom lines threatened by workers demanding a fair living wage. Workers should feel proud of their unions which they organize and participate in and support.
Unions give workers the dignity which employers would deny them. Workers constitute 75 to 80 percent of our population so when you support workers, you are supporting the vast majority of your friends, neighbors and relatives, besides, in all probability, yourself.
Send the Sequim City Council a strong message: “No attacks on workers!”
Nelson Cone
Port Angeles