Mary Ellen Winborn is the best candidate for director of the Department of Community Development (DCD).
I recommend the election of Ron Bell to the Clallam County Charter Review Commission, District 1, in the upcoming general election.
Why are Mr. (Roger) Fight and the City Council afraid of transparency and individual rights?
In his letter to the editor (“Charter Review Commission choices important,” Letters to the Editor, Sequim Gazette, Oct. 15, page A-12), Roger Fight could have been “forthcoming” by stating his chairmanship of the Clallam County Democrat Party.
I am writing this letter because I want citizens to know that the Clallam County Auditor’s race is also an important race and we need to make sure we get someone in there that will bring a fresh perspective to how the office is run.
I urge you to vote for William Payne for Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney.
We need a change in the County Auditor’s Office leadership. You may have done business with Karen Shewbert who owned the Sequim Vehicle and Vessel Licensing office for a number of years. On May 15, 2012, County Auditor Patty Rosand suddenly closed Karen’s office without notice and left us without a Sequim licensing facility until November 2012.
After reading the article in the Peninsula Daily News about the two candidates for Clallam County Auditor, I was struck by Kim Yacklin’s statement: ”I can learn those tasks if I need to,” in reference to the diverse job duties under the Auditor’s position.
Sissi Bruch is by far the best candidate to represent both District 3 and the county as a whole.
The Clallam County Department of Community Development (DCD) is charged with advising the Clallam County commissioners on matters of land use.
I would like to recommend Kim Yacklin for Clallam County Auditor. The public and I have had time in the past few months to analyze the goals and objectives of the various candidates in the upcoming elections.
We need new leadership for our area and Sissi Bruch is the ideal candidate to provide that leadership.
When you look at the long list of candidates for Charter Review Commission on your ballot you may be able to pick out one or two that you have heard of and figure it wasn’t from the police blotter.