Regarding helicopter flights over Olympic National Park (where biologists are conducting an annual elk census in Olympic National Park):
The greater Sequim area is losing a real asset with the resignation of Paul Haines as Director of Public Works.
To my fellow travelers on the roads of Sequim and Greater Clallam County:
For you folks who are complaining about the political cartoonist (Frank Shiers) and his right-leaning messages, especially about Obamacare …
I read, with alarm, that residents may not support a 12-cent property tax levy to keep SARC running.
Well, I see the Koch brothers-inspired attacks on the working class have reached the grassroots level with the submission of two propositions to the Sequim City Council.
As a co-chair to the Clallam Fire District 3 Centennial celebration held on Aug. 9, I would like to share our appreciation to the community for its support in making this special event a huge success.
I want to thank your reporter Matthew Nash for publishing the facts concerning David Halpern’s criminal record.
I heartily agree with the writer who was hoping to see cartoons a la Tim Quinn.
(Editorial cartoonist) Frank Shiers is very evident in his (right-wing) bias.
Please replace Shiers as your editorial cartoonist. Anyone with a more varied view would be worth a try.
As a long time subscriber to the Sequim Gazette, I greatly appreciate the role the newspaper plays in our community. However, lately, I’ve become increasingly disconcerted by Gazette staff choice of political cartoons.
Really enjoyed the Tour de Lavender ride. My group of four loved the ride around Sequim and the very nice people, many who stopped to allow us to pass or offered directions.