Support school bond

On April 22 voters in the Sequim School District will have the opportunity to approve a bond providing funds to build a new elementary school and to upgrade and remodel schools across the district.

On April 22 voters in the Sequim School District will have the opportunity to approve a bond providing funds to build a new elementary school and to upgrade and remodel schools across the district.

Sequim, unlike other North Olympic communities, has been growing in population. This is expected to continue. Buildings in our district are short on space and many are in dire need of remodel or repair. This year, in fact, Sequim had to pass on accepting state funding for all-day kindergarten classes, lacking the space to implement the program.

Our students and staff need and deserve schools and classrooms which are healthy, spacious and up-to-date. Environments that promote learning.

Property owners in our district would see a rise of $1.70 per $1,000 of assessed valuation of homes and property. The additional amount creates a lower combined tax rate than the statewide average for similar communities. There is an exemption available for senior citizens earning less than $35,000 per year.

Supporting our children and our schools is the investment with the biggest payback of all.

Mary Morgan
