Why is Socialism bad for U.S.?

First, undress the harmless-sounding title into its former name, “Communism,” and later, “Progressivism.” Both meaning absolute dictatorial rule over the populace. No room for freedom of religion, of personal responsibility; of private enterprise; those things which aliens are swarming here to take advantage of.

Why is Socialism bad for U.S.?

First, undress the harmless-sounding title into its former name, “Communism,” and later, “Progressivism.” Both meaning absolute dictatorial rule over the populace. No room for freedom of religion, of personal responsibility; of private enterprise; those things which aliens are swarming here to take advantage of.

Room only for atheistic secularism: Godless, free of morals and ethics; total dependence on those governing who “despise” the rich, but are them; aiming for all three branches of government, rather than just 2-and-a-half, performing as disloyal socialist ideologues.

Individual responsibility handed over to government for a “one-size-fits-all” regimen; just like the royal governing status – an unintended-consequence – that Marx and Engels despised when dreaming up this ideology.

Business/free enterprise, therefore, employment, totally relegated as income-sources for a government catering to false global warming, as are both federal and state governments.

Millennials in particular, while focusing on latest gee-whiz electronics, have been brainwashed throughout the education system about the sky-is-falling global warming, this a totally false, unscientific device by politicians to sell Socialism.

Liberals, most news media, educators at all levels promote this falsehood.

Democrat apparatchiks spread the approved verbiage in the standard Obama-format of outshouting objections to their official “talking points” shifting the subject when valid arguments raised and name-calling when losing an argument.

Valid, scientific facts are only a mouse-click away.

Paul Hanway
