A&E Briefs: Jan. 25, 2017

Wood turners to meet

The next meeting of the “Strait Turners” will be from 9:30 a.m.-noon Tuesday, Jan. 31, at the Gardiner Community Center, 980 Old Gardiner Road, Gardiner. The club welcomes turners of all levels. In the past few months several of the group’s experienced members have offered mentoring sessions to new turners. Visit website www.straitturners.org. For more information, contact Ernie at 683-2560.

Film focuses on transgender youth

The screening of “Two Spirits,” a documentary about Fred Martinez, a Navajo youth with a feminine nature who was the victim of a hate crime, will be at Peninsula College in Maier Performance Hall at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. The event is co-sponsored by Peninsula College’s House of Learning, Longhouse and the student club Rainbow Alliance. Following the screening, Rainbow Alliance members will share their responses to the film during a special student-led panel. For more information, contact Dr. Helen Lovejoy at hlovejoy@pencol.edu.

Sailing group plans musical fundraiser

The North Olympic Women on the Water, a part of the North Olympic Sail and Power Squadron, is hosting a scholarship fundraiser for local women who intend to study marine science. The fundraiser, dinner and dance will be be from 6-11 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, at the John Wayne Marina Community Room. Music from the 1950s-1980s will be featured. Tickets are $45 per couple or $22.50 for a single. RSVP and pay in advance by contacting Linda Bond at 582-9364 or drlindabond@gmail.com. Space is limited so reserve your spot by Feb. 3. This is a BYOB affair.

Poets to read works

Port Angeles’ own Tess Gallagher and her friend and writing partner Lawrence Matsuda will give a reading from their recent collaboration, “Boogie Woogie Crisscross,” at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, at Peninsula College’s Little Theater. These poems developed via emails exchanged between Gallagher and Matsuda over a number of years. For more information on the Peninsula College presentation, contact Dr. Janet Lucas at jlucas@pencol.edu.

Entries sought for Peeps dioramas

The Sequim City Arts Advisory Commission is hosting the first Sequim Peeps Diorama exhibit. Artists of all ages are invited to create a diorama scene using Peeps candy. Selected entries will be exhibited April 3-14 in the lobby of the Sequim Civic Center, 152 W. Cedar St. All entries must be received at the Civic Center no later than noon March 20.

For complete entry guidelines and exhibit information, visit www.sequimwa.gov/index.aspx?NID=619, pick up a brochure at the Civic Center or contact City Clerk Karen Kuznek-Reese at 681-3428 or kkuznek@sequimwa.gov.

Acts needed for fundraiser

The Port Angeles Community Players is looking for entertainers of all kinds to participate in a fundraiser for the organization on March 18, including musicians, singers, dancers, jugglers, magicians, actors and other talent. Acts should be no more than 10 minutes each and only eight will be selected. All acts must audition, however.

Schedule auditions from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, by calling Dmitri Gerasimenko at 612-239-8952 or send a link to your website, a video sharing site or a CD, with a letter or interest and contact information to pacommunityplayers@hotmail.com.

Those auditioning in person should bring everything they need, an accompanist will not be provided.