A&E Briefs March 9. 2016

Driftwood show set, featured artist set at Blue Whole, drumming book to launch and more.

Driftwood art show set

The Olympic Driftwood Sculptors host the 2016 Spring Driftwood Art Show, set for 10 a.m.-4 p.m., March 19-20, at the Dungeness River Audubon Center at Railroad Bridge Park, 2151 W. Hendrickson Road.

Group members display their art, host demonstrations of work-in-progress, have hand-crafted items and unfinished wood for sale, host a raffle for a piece completed by several members and more.

Admission is free. See www.olympicdriftwoodsculptors.org or e-mail to info@olympicdriftwoodsculptors.org.

Ware is featured artist

Works by photographer Viola Ware will be on display from 6-8 p.m. Friday, March 11, where she will be the featured artist at Karon’s Frame Center’s “Imagine It Framed” exhibit. Her work has appeared in Peninsula College’s The Buccaneer, Tidepools Literary Magazine. Ware was invited as a photographer for the Port Townsend Film Festival. The store is at 625 E. Front St., Port Angeles.

McCollum is featured artist at Blue Whole

The Blue Whole Gallery, 129 W. Washington St., Sequim, hosts Art Talk by artist and educator Mike McCollum at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 16.

McCollum is the gallery’s guest artist for March.

Enjoy McCollum’s unique work in the front windows and join his presentation about his recent work. Refreshments will be served.

Drumming book to be launched in Sequim

Zorina Wolf will have a rhythm performance and book signing of her new book “Whole Person Drumming — Your Journey into Rhythm” from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20, at the Dungeness Schoolhouse, 2781 Towne Road, Sequim.

Accordion social set

The Sequim Accordion Social will be from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, March 13, at the Shipley Center at 921 E. Hammond St., Sequim. A $2-$3 admission is requested at the door to pay for the room.

Featured will be “A Showcase of Sequim Accordion Stars,” Players of all levels should bring their accordion and a song or two to play, and accordion lovers and dancers are invited to attend for some great music.

Call Caryl Dowell for more information at 360-481-4264.

Poignant novel talk slated at library

“Sophie’s Choice” by William Styron is the book up for discussion at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 12, at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.

Copies of “Sophie’s Choice” are available in regular print and large print, and can be requested online by visiting the library catalog at www.nols.org. All are welcome to drop in and participate.

For more information about this and other programs for readers and book lovers, see www.nols.org and select “Events” and “Sequim,” call 683-1161 or e-mail sequim@nols.org. This program is supported by the Friends of Sequim Library.

Washington Old Time Fiddlers at grange

The Washington Old Time Fiddlers Association meets and performs at Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road, Sequim, on Saturday, March 12.

Doors open at 9 a.m., open jamming starts at 9:30 a.m.

A business meeting is at 11 a.m., then open jamming continues to 1:30 p.m.

Free, group, fiddle lessons for members and non-members 13 and under are from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

On-stage performances by WOTFA members are from 1:30-3:30 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public.