Sunshine Generation is bringing back the joy of performing and high-spirits of singing in Sequim.
Becky Mitchell, an assistant with the Sequim High School operetta, has started the new group introducing children ages 3-10 to song, dance and performance.
She follows her aunt Robin Hall, Sequim High School drama director, who led the most recent Sunshine Generation group for 15 years. Mitchell said she’s spoken to many high schoolers who have fond memories of the previous group, so she wanted to have that for the next generation of Sequim children.
“I’ve seen all the things it’s done for these kids’ self-esteem,” Mitchell said.
“It helps shy kids come out of their shells. My hope is they’ll like it enough to continue through middle and high school.”
Sunshine Generation is a non-denominational national program for boys and girls with no auditions.
Mitchell pays dues to use their music and choreography that uses styles from country to pop to Broadway music. Once a week, Mitchell leads children in one-hour sessions from 3-6 p.m. Thursdays in the Shipley Center, 921 E. Hammond St.
Depending on the age group, Mitchell said children will learn rhythm, music theory, routines, play music games, sing solos and learn prepared speeches.
So far she has about 10 children performing in different age groups.
Rose Halverson of Sequim brings her two daughters to the group for three reasons, “to get some socialization, listen to another adult and learn coordination.”
Mitchell said it’s a music class with emphasis on teaching performances. Her goal is to perform all over several times a year and so far she’s lined up a performance at the Greywolf Bazaar in November.
Performances will be free to book and Mitchell plans to teach new songs and routines every few months.
Mitchell said for children the first visit is free while a monthly fee is $35.
For more information on booking a 30-minute performance or signing up, call Becky Mitchell at 460-6537.