Arts and entertainment news

Tin Pan Alley runs through Sequim

Peninsula Singers, led by Dewey Ehling, presents "Early 20th Century Broadway – Tin Pan Alley," at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 10, and

2 p.m. Sunday, April 11, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 Blake Ave.,

Sequim. The concert features music by George M. Cohan, Victor Herbert, George Gershwin and Irving Berlin.

Sandy Rawson is accompanist. Coloratura Karen Pritchard, Linda Grubb and Trent Pomeroy are featured. Information about the composers, music and shows is in the narration by Carol Swarbrick Dries and Jim Dries.

At the concert, Ehling will receive a certificate as the 2010 winner of North Olympic Region of Washington Music Educator Association’s Friend of Music Award.

Tickets are available from chorus members; at The Buzz, 130 N. Sequim Ave.; the Itty Bitty Buzz, 110 E. First St., Port Angeles; and at the door.

Telling the freedom story

Karol and James Brown of Lakewood are the featured tellers for the Story People of Clallam County at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St.

She tells stories as Aunt Harriet, 92-year-old Harriet Tubman, who talks about slavery, her faith, family and friends who risked their own freedom to help runaway slaves escape on the Underground Railroad. He tells stories and sings as Brother Ely.

Story sharing follows refreshments at intermission.

Artists’ new Web site

Peninsula Driftwood Artists have unveiled a new Web site www.peninsuladriftwood The site shares the 41-year history of the Peninsula Driftwood Artists and the history of Lucile Worlund, who learned the art form from the Makah when she lived with them in Neah Bay in the 1960s.

It includes a gallery of members’ pieces and information about upcoming shows, meetings and classes.

The club hosts its 41st annual Driftwood Show June 11-13 at the Guy Cole Center at Carrie Blake Park.

Wanted: comedians with accents

Olympic Theatre Arts holds auditions for "Bullshot Crummond" at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 19, and Tuesday, April 20, and callbacks Wednesday, April 21, at 414 N. Sequim Ave.

Performances will be June 25-July 18 in Caldwell Theater.

There are three female roles, ages 20-50, and three-four male roles, ages 20 on up. All require British and/or German dialects. Scripts are at the OTA office between 1-5 p.m. weekdays and at the Sequim and Port Angeles libraries.

Call 683-7326