Call for artists Strait Art 2011

The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center invites artists and performers to participate in Strait Art, an annual exhibit of the region’s artistic riches. In honor of the center’s 25th anniversary, submissions are encouraged to incorporate “slivers of silver,” real and faux.


The Enter Stage Left performance series, set against the backdrop of the Strait Art exhibit, takes place at the Webster House, 1203 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, on six Friday nights: March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.


Artists and performers in Clallam and Jefferson counties and the Victoria, British Columbia, area are eligible. Submissions are due Feb. 14; completed works must be received by March 11. Strait Art runs March 2-May 15. Call 457-3532, e-mail, or visit for complete information.